
Material and Methods

Against particles of positive cultures antibodies were prepared and conjugated with FITC. Characteristics of the conjugate called “anti-ca”: 12,2 mg/ml protein; mol FITC/ mol protein = 1:10, working titer 1:32 diluted with phosphate-buffered NaCl solution (pH=7,2) and 15mM  sodium acid.

Freeze sections of tumors and blood smears of 18 Cancer patients and 10 control patients (titer 1:128). For the preparation of the FITC-conjugated antibody “ anti-ca” I have to thank M.Ceska.


  1. FITC 1:10 000 in phospate buffered NaCl (pH=7,2) with 15 mM sodium acid
  2. incubation with “anti-ca” 43mg protein/ml, 30 min, washing, 30min incubation with FITC-conjugated “anti-ca”
  3. tissues of control patients



The cancer tissues and blood smears of the cancer-patients were positive (fig. 12 and fig. 13) . One case of the control group with chronic tonsillitis was positive.


Fig.12 Freeze section of a gastric carcinoma, fluorescence of the particles (Basoplasma sanguineum)   FITC “anti-ca” staining, titer 1:128. (higher resolution)


Fig.13 Freeze section of a carcinoma of the breast, fluorescence of the particles (Basoplasma sanguineum)   FITC “anti-ca” staining, titer 1:128. (higher resolution)


Preface  Introduction  Blood Analyses  Culture  Immunfluorescence  Animal Experiment  Discussion  Summary  Literature  Biography