Animal Experiment

Material and Methods

32 mice Him:OF1 (SD) SFP male. 14 days quarantine; weight 20g , age 6 weeks; diet: Altromin-R-1324; cage: Makrolon 11

5 groups A,B,C,D,E à 6 mice

  1. A,B,C. Cultures were ultra-centrifugated with 20 000g for 30min, washed in ster. phys. NaCl-solution. The sediment was resuspended in 4ml ster. phys. NaCl – solution and examined with the FITC “anti-ca”. Subcutaneous injection of 0,1ml particle-suspension.
  2. control D: subcutaneous injection of 0,1ml culture medium
  3. control E: no treatment
  4. After the death of the mice a histopathological examination was done

I have to thank for the animals D. Adamiker and for the histopathological examination W. Kovac (†).


From the 18 mice of the groups A,B,C with subcutaneous injection of 0,1ml particle suspension 28% fall ill with cancer (fig.14 to fig. 18a). 39% had chronic inflammations and 67% had granulocytosis. One mouse from the control had an adenoma of the lung and one an osteoma that are 17%, the other mice were healthy.


Fig.14 Adenoma of the lung ( 160 days after the beginning of the trial)


Fig.14a Adenoma of the lung ( 160 days after the beginning of the trial), H.E. - staining


Fig.14b Adenoma of the lung ( 160 days after the beginning of the trial), H.E. – staining


Fig.15 Splenectasis with megakaryocytes ( 160 days after the beginning of the trial), H.E. – staining


Fig.16 Splenectasis with adenoma ( 379 days after the beginning of the trial)


Fig.17 Nephradenoma ( 379 days after the beginning of the trial)


Fig.17a Nephradenoma ( 379 days after the beginning of the trial), H.E. – staining


Fig.18 Adenoma of the lung ( 379 days after the beginning of the trial)


Fig.18a Adenoma of the lung ( 379 days after the beginning of the trial), H.E. – staining


Preface  Introduction  Blood Analyses  Culture  Immunfluorescence  Animal Experiment  Discussion  Summary  Literature  Biography