For some
years Kajander et al. have been describing micro-organisms they had isolated
from human blood using for them the working term “Nanobacteria”. Owing to
micro-biological research work published in the meantime our results of such
work can now be placed into a new nexus. Comparing the properties of these
“Nanobacteria” with the qualities of micro-organisms we ourselves had isolated
from human blood already considerably earlier and which we had designated by
the working term of “basoplasmas” we have been able to realize that it must be a
question of analogous micro-organisms. We published the results of our research
as early as 1983 in a brochure - Ferdinand Ruzicka: “Mykoplasmen - Kommensalen oder Kofaktor bei der Onkogenese?” Fa.Reprotext Wien. In the following the most
important items of this study will be demonstrated.
2001 by Univ. Doz. Dr. Ferdinand